Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origins, that's what the book's subtitle says. James Shreeve, a science writer, a true master on his words, wonderfully unwoven the intertwined fibres of the Mystery. I liked his style, his impressive basket of words, and a neatly plan of trotting along the related events he experienced.
What actually Happened to Neandertal Man? Why were these people led to extinction? Did they actually speciated from the main human lineage? If so, what were the selection pressures? This book hovers on the minute details of mystery and solutions, running hand by hand.
If anyone is interested in Archaeology, or Palaeontology, it's the one should get your mind on. Enjoy.
hi Himu :)
lol ... that's funny ...
classic commenting! (Y)
Jurassic Park porsilam oti koste :( kharap na boita... kintu no thnks to palaentology n archaeology! murkho manush to, ki r kora :P
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