Thursday, August 11, 2005

Looney Limericks: 0002

The girl next door had such a wonderful cat!
I decided, to use it to start up a chat.

I went to her and said like a wussy,
"Mademoiselle, you've got a nice pussy."

Her boyfriend worked for RAB*, and I didn't know that :(.

*Special Commando police of Bangladesh.


Sameen said...

Hahahah! Funny how the blogging world leads to the discovery of long lost cousins:P And yes my vertical elongation came to a screeching halt at 5'8". Dont know if its a good thing or bad! seem to have been doing so much with your life in the last what...10-15 yrs!!!

I'l definitely keep in touch between all the bloga-blogi;)

Unknown said...

Hasn't yet been crossfired???

Amazing :P

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