Monday, August 29, 2005

No title

Just a simple statement, the gypsy kids who went to school in a gipsy colony in Dhaka, wants to become teachers when they grow up. It made me cry.
I've seen thousand and thousands of poor kids around Bangladesh. I simply adore these children, though I don't express it very often, I love their curious eyes, their pure drooling smiles, their worm-infested bellies ... and what have I done for these angels? Truth to be said, nothing. Perhaps I buy candies from some of them when I get stuck in a jam, and whoa there, nothing more.
And now these kids want to become teacher when they grow up ... for the love of God, when did I ever want to become a teacher? Never! And these kids do, because they received something from their teachers they want to convey to the rest of their communities? And what the bloody heck have I ever wanted to convey to my community?
And I am not ashamed to admit that these little kids make me feel so worthless. I kneel on the ground before them and apologize.


Unknown said...

Does this mean that you recieved nothing from your teacher that could make you wish to be a teacher?
Or is it your over ambitious mind that made you dream to be an engineer?

Himu said...

Does one have to be "overambitious" to become an engineer in bangladesh? An astronaut, a geneticist, a marine-life photographer ... perhaps had been ambitious ... I think one should be overambitious to become a teacher ... it's a really tough job to shoulder, and I always was apprehensive of being so responsible ... and that's what hurts me ...