Thursday, September 15, 2005

Looney Limerick 0005

Whoa there, hold your horses, my story ain't that long
I spent my jaan, got burn in sun to get to Chittagong.

but for a Dutch motha'fucka' ...
I got back again to Dhaka

and now I feel like I had been a ball in bloody pingpong.

P.S. Screw you, Spruit, you arschloch!


Unknown said...

Khekz himu bhai..bidesh theke bondhu bandhob diya kisu anaisen naki deshiii? ;)

Apnar anonymous comment bondho koirao to advertisement free hoite parlen na!

Himu said...

ho ... ei shalara khub adamant dekhtesi ... naamdham nia dhukse ... ki korum ko ... ekta matro comment, tao jodi ei shalar pootra kore, kemon laage bol :@?