Monday, July 04, 2005

Thank god the sky was there ...

Guess what, I'm depressed.

Don't let confusion creep into your mind, I'm not telling that I'm depressed NOW ... it's more like saying that I'm Bangali, I'm Straight, I am Sam ... I have been being depressed ever since, well, ever since that incident happened to me. And please let me introduce myself you, I'm Himu from Dhaka, Bangladesh and I'm depressed.

I had an illusion that I can be oblivious to some upsetting facts, and be merry, merrier than I even used to be, but hell, time has turned me into a realist from a shining optimist. I still go and give my friends a jolly time, but it's me I fear most to meet. Whenever I come back to my room, sitting there, in front of my pc, or with my guitar, or with nothing but darkness, you see, it's a monster I spend my precious few hours of the day. How to escape from yourself? I tried sleeping, drinking, chatting and even the German Language, but couldn't help meeting myself in my room, with no lights.

Have a suggestion to lend me? Go on.

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