Sunday, July 17, 2005


Horoscopes are intrinsically attractive to us. It divides us into groups, yet spins webbed connections among these pleasantly devised signs (stupid, though) showing great feats of imagination, and assigns virtues that we feel proud of, even if we fail to discover them in us. A sense of fellowship is gifted to us through horoscopic tunnels ... we peep backward and fish out great beings of the same sign, and grin, "Look, Einstein was also a Taurus* !"

*is he, really?

I belong to Virgo, the Maiden. I missed Leo just by the manes, and man, taunted I was before I grew up! Well, belonging to a Maiden would never be something to cause dissatisfaction :) to me.

I've been close to virgo-people. Perhaps it's a biased observation, but I found some common attributes among us.

Virgokind is expected to be ...

1. Seeking friendship, companion and support from others.

2. Not much reliable.

3. Humorous and Amorous.

4. Tacit about their dislikes and torments.

5. Inventive.

6. a bit more preoccupied with themselves, but helpful to others if asked.

7. Lonesome.

8. Vindictive.

Believe me, I even guessed people out to be a virgo, matching these points. Virgoes are easily traced, you think :)?

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